1. Creatures That Kissed In Cold Mirrors2. Dusk And Her EmbraceWhen the sun has wept upon the waveless lakeAnd the mists steal in with easeCovened wolves are their eerie dissonant napesIn adoration of the moon and thee"They call as I to thee...."And I will come, as if in dreamMy languid, dark and lustrous Malaresian QueenOf vengeful, ancient breedGilded with the pelts of many enemiesErishkigal, raven-hairedThy seduction haunts the castle in erotic despairI can taste thy scent by candlelightLegs of porcelain traced and laced to their lairAppease the beast on spattered sheetsDyed unearthly red as sobriety weepsNocternity....She shall come for meA black velvet painting sprung to elegant lifeLike a poignant Madonna perverted to nightAnd I have ridden from the westerning lightTo expend my lustTear away the funereal dressKnow that I will escape from my deathSurrendered to the splendour of her sharpened caressLo! The pale moonlightWeaves a poetic spell of vital death and declineOf mist and moth and the hunger insideKisses took to fever and the fever, demise"Through twilight, darkness and moonriseMy scarlet tears will runAs stolen blood and whispered loveOf fantasies undone"Countess swathed in ebonyAnd snow-white balletic graceRouge-filmed lips procure the wishFor lust and her disgraceDusk and her embraceWe shall flit through the shadowsLike a dream of (were)wolves in the snowUnder deadly nightshadeStill warmed with the kill's afterglowBeneath the stars thy flesh bedevils me(Beneath the stars taste the death in me)Bequeath to me thy fiery kissTo sever thin mortalityElizabethMy heart is thineThy fragrant words Warm within like wine...."Let me come to theeWith eyes like AsphodelMoon-glancing, loose desires freeTo writhe under my spell"Ereshkigal, raven-hairedThy seduction haunts the castle in erotic despairI know thy scent by candlelightImmortal flesh I yearn to shareAppease the beast on spattered sheetsDyed malefic red as sobriety weepsNocternityShe shall come for me....Unfurl thy limbs breathless succubusHow the full embosomed fogImparts the night to us....3. Beneath The Howling StarsMidwinter wrongs the rites of SpringHer spinal chill rakes the earthWhilst pensive souls at zero singWoebetidings of rebirthUnder cold stares of Mars malignedNear-suicides cross their heartsAnd unborns writhe in tepid brineFor something wicked this way startsBeneath the howling starsElizabeth, paragon of viceWatches the sun set pyres alightAs Bane and Tyranny, Her Dobermans sleepLike spellbound paramours at Her feetA chatter of bells withoutRaise hellhounds, teeth on edgeFrom sleighs hastened through snow lit redGuests espied from the garret ledgeGreat gloomy mirror tell Her faceShe will outblind them allThat heavenly bodies would fall from graceTo possess such a lustrous pallFor beauty is always Cruel...For beauty is always...(Let destiny in chains commence...Damnation under Gods seeking recompenseEnslaving to the whims of this mistress)As the dance ensuedElizabeth's moodTempered by the craft of a vitreous moonIn slick black iciness it grewTo consumeThe wench Her tower tombedTending to Her costumeBore the brunt of the stormWhen the needle askewedShe has Her dogs maul the bitch's wrists throughRestored to jaded blissThis evisceratrixDescended to the ballWith painted blood upon Her lipsPassing like a comet so whiteAs to eclipseThe waltz wound down, transfixedDevoid of all breath in the airEven Death paled to compareTo the taint of Her splendourSo rare and engendered'Pon the awed throng gatheredThere...Beneath the howling starsShe danced so macabreMen entranced divined from Her gaitThat this angel stepped from a pedestalHad won remission from fateBy alighting to darker spheresDelighting in held swayFor She was not unlike the GoddessTo whom the wolves bayed"Whilst envy glanced daggersFrom court maidens, arbouredWho whispered in sectsOf suspicions abroadThat Elizabeth bewitchedSee how even now the whore castsHer spells upon the Black CountWhom Her reddened lips hold fast"Tongue unto tongueSwept on tides without careFor the harpies who ralliedTheir maledict glaresA halo of ravens tousled Her hairChandeliers a tiaraFor passions ensnared"Phantasies sexedWhen their eyes, moonstruck metTheir friction wore a wayThrough the sea of foreplayLovers at first biteShe an Eve tempted to layGasping at raftersFlesh pressed in ballet"But caprice, honours leashedShe absconded the feastTo prowl wonderlandBeasts in hand from the KeepOf Feudal dilemmaWell mantled in fursThrough cullis to watchDogstars howl at the earthOn this violent nightUnholy nightWinds lashed their limbs togetherAs the ether vent its wintry spiteShe wished His kiss on Her frozen landscapesTo excite the bleak advanceFrom castle bowersWherein small hoursThe Devil never came by chanceA lone charm tied to Her inner thighSent lusts nova as hooves trodCobbled streets where lowlives fleetWere flung to a wayward godMidwinter wrongs the rites of SpringHer spinal chill rakes the earthWhilst pensive souls at zero singWoebetidings of rebirthUnder cold stares of Mars malignedNear-suicides cross their heartsAnd unborns writhe in tepid brineFor something wicked this way startsBeneath the howling starsPounding upon the pauper ridgeEarshot of a hunched beldameElizabeth teased, would He dare to pleaseSuch elderly loins enflamed?To this He feigned a grim disdainPlaying to Her slayful eyeBut the hag replied..."This girl that chidesWill soon be as plagued with age as I"Her consort laughed a plume of icy breathFor Elizabeth's grace could raiseA flag of truce in burning heavenOr the dead from early gravesYet still She seethedThis proud Snow QueenEmbittered with the cursed retortAnd because He sought Her loves onslaughtHe gutted the crone for sportSoon in full moon fever they were wedLycanthropic in the conjugal bedLittered with aphrodisiacsTo tease dynastic unionAnd beget them further maniacsElizabethFree reigned, now a CountessOutwielded and outworeHer title like a favoured dressWhilst Her errant LordWhose seasons savoured warStormed black to fell the infidelHer embers, tempered, roared.4. Her Ghost In The Fog"The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portraitSoft winds whisper the bidding of treesAs this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heartAnd the Midnightmare trampling of dreamsBut oh, no tears pleaseFear and pain may accompany DeathBut it is desire that shepherds it's certaintyAs We shall see..."She was divinity's creatureThat kissed in cold mirrorsA Queen of SnosFar beyond compareLips attuned to symmetrySought Her everywhereDark liqosured eyesAn Arabian nightmare...She shone on watercoloursOf my pondlife as pearlUntil those who couldn't have HerCut Her free of this WorldThat fateful Eve when...The trees stank of sunset and camphorTheir lanterns chased phantoms and threwAn inquisitive glance, like the shadows they castOn my love picking rue by the light of the moonPutting reason to flightOr to death as their wayThey crept through woods mesmerizedBy the taffeta LeyOf Her hips that held swayOver all they surveyedSave a mist on the rise(A deadly blessing to hide)Her ghost in the fogThey raped left...(Five men of God)...Her ghost in the fogDawn discovered Her thereBeneath the Cedar's stareSilk dress torn, Her raven hairFlown to gown Her beauty baredWas starred with frost, I knew Her lostI wept 'til tears crept back to prayerShe'd sworn Me vows in fragrant blood"Never to partLest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"Then this I screamed:"Come back to Me forI was born in love with theeSo why should fate stand inbetween?"And as I drowned Her gentle curvesWith dreams unsaid and final wordsI espied a gleam trodden to earthThe Church bell tower key...The village mourned her by the byFor She'd been a witchTheir Men had longed to tryAnd I broke under Christ seeking guilty signsMy tortured soul on iceA Queen of snowFar beyond compareLips attuned to symmetrySought Her everywhereTrappistine eyesAn Arabian nightmare...She was Ersulie possessedOf a milky white skinMy porcelain YinA graceful Angel of SinAnd so for Her...The breeze stank of sunset and camphorMy lantern chased Her phantom and blewTheir Chapel ablaze and all locked in to a painBest reserved for judgement that their bible construed...Putting reason to flightOr to flame unashamedI swept form criesMesmerizedBy the taffeta LeyOr Her hips that held swayOver all those at baySave a mist on the riseA final blessing to hideHer ghost in the fogAnd I embracedWhere lovers rot...Her ghost in the fogHer ghost in the fog5. Funeral In Carpathia (Be Quick Or Be Dead Mix)Candelabra snuffed prey - silhouette weddedNightfall take my handSeduce me with silky timbred limbsGrant me thy dark commandOver the peaks framing tapestriesOf thick forest, dusk has filledWith Lucifugous kisses enwreathed in mistCreeping like violations from the shadows to killLucretiaIs my love in veinWhen thy tears bleed sweeterThank the midsummer rain?Bewinged, infested belfriesToll o'er the sobbing throngA writhe of lethargic, terrored nudesWhipped and welted neath the barbed windsong...(In saddean paradiseAncestral legacies linger on....)I am HeThe crowned and conquering darknessSatan robed in ecumenical filthLivid Bacchus sustained by bridal echelons of sylphThis wintry eve when the snow glistens deepAnd sharpened turrets wed the jewelless skiesI shrug off the shroud of preternatural sleepEnbroided by these words Malaresia scribed..."Beauty slept and angels weptFor Her immortal soulIn this response, all evil choseTo claim her for their very own"CarpathiaThe pleasured dead speak of herIn necromantic tongueWhen ambered daylights are doneMasterbating in their gravesOn her zenith to come...This catafalque night when awed stars reportTheir absence from the heavenly browCrippled seraph shalt cower in illustrious courtsWhilsts the cloaked maelstrom resounds throughout"How the storm it fulfillsMy heart though unhealedCelestial knifes eboniedAnd wild woods thrillYet far fiercer stillHer lustre eviscerates me"CarpathiaPriapic lovers twist in concert with HerCovenants are struck, jagged lightning fellatesThe path towards the castle weary innocence takesI rule as Master hereWhere feral hordes impart my temperLove sank wounded when I, betrayedSaw death etch cruelly, upon my lineage"Usher the spite seething DraconistAnd commit this world to thy ancientsovereignty"Erunescent veil descendPsalmed sunset thus portendsAnd laid to rest, I now am blessedWith this darkness... Forever moreSupreme Vampiric Evil6. The Twisted Nails Of Faith"Mirror, mirror on the wallShouldst not grave pleasures be my all?For if I shall see thy Will be doneGrant Me the Witchcraft of thy tongue"Three moondials froze in the shadow of sixAs another soul passed to the grasping StyxClutching their trinket crucifixBats blew from eaves in a dissonant surgeOmens of corruption from within the churchA fetid, dank oasis still clung to fool rebirthAlone as a stone cold altarThe castle and its keepLike faerytale dominion roseA widow to the snow peaksWherein reclined the CountessLimbs purring from the killBathed in virgin white and like the nightAlive and young and unfulfilledWas it the cry of a wolfThat broke the silver thread of enchanted thoughts?Of Her life as a mere reflection(As the moon's in narrow windows caught)That opened like dark eyelids onThe sigh of the woods that the wind fell uponLike a Siren weaving songFrom the lilt of choirs chokingWhere the vengeful deadBelong...To the Sorceress and Her charnel artsShe swept from ebon towers at the hour of Mars'Neath a star-inwoven sky latticed by scarsTo unbind knotted reins that kept in canter, despairShod on melancholy, fleet to sanctuary there,In netherglades tethered where onyx idols staredWas it the Kiss of the mistThat peopled the air with the prowess of absinthe?Lost souls begging resurrectionFrom Gods upon their forest plinthsWhose epitaphs read of re-ascending to winRemission from despair through a holocaust of sinIn a tongue hilted in invective rectumsOver signs and seals the sorceress prayedTo Death, to rend the slender veilThat Ancient Ones might rise againAs shadows swelledThe Countess fellTo masturbating with Her daggerAs the Witch gabbled spellsCumming heavy roses all the way to HellAs sudden thunder's grue harangueAnnounced two pincered worldsExuding bane, something cameWith the stench of necrophiled gravesTo these clandestinesWho shrank from glimpsing horrorThat the growls of mating houls inclined...ResplendentIn pendants(Natal trophies torn from bellies of desanctified nuns)A demons, bewinged, bedightIn scum, prowled their circle seeking entry to runAn arctic tongue upon Her vulvaWhere rubies smeared to alabaster thighsGlittered like a contract in the purse of a whoreReceiving sole communion from the body of christ"If blood is what thou carves, foul fiendI will yield this witch to theeIf thou wouldst draw a veil for MeO'er lengthening scars of age and grief"As the Demon slavered foetid vowsAnd bore His prey awayIn talons itching to perpetrateThe nausea of eternal rapeThe Sorceress screaming in His graspSpat a final curse to stainThe Countess with the promiseThat Her lord at war would be cruelly slainAnd She would rot.AloneInsane.On the twisted nails of faith.7. From The Cradle To The EnslaveTwo thousand fattened years like maniacsHave despoiled our common graveNow what necrophagous Second Coming backsFrom the cradle to enslave?Sickle constellationsStud the belts that welt the skyWhilst the bitter winter moonProwls the cloud, dead-eyedLike shifting parent fleshUnder silk matricide...Watchful as she was upon EdenWhere every rose arbour and orchard she sweptHid the hissing of a serpent LibidoIn an ancient tryst with catastropheSoon the be keptHear that hissing now on the breezeAs through the plundered groves of the carnal gardenA fresh horror blows but ten billion soulsAre blind to see the rotting wood for the treesThis is the theme to a better ArmageddonNightchords rake the heavensPAN DAEMON AEAONAnd what use are prayers to that god?As devils bay concensus for the space to pissOn your smouldering faithAnd the mouldering faceOf this world long a paradise lostThis is the end of everythingHear the growing chora that a new dawn shall bringDance macabre 'neath the tilt of the zodiacNow brighter stars shall reflect on our fateWhat sick nativities will be freed when those lights burn black?The darkside of the mirror always threw our malice back...I see the serpentine in your eyesThe nature of the beast as revelations arriveOur screams shall trail to AngelsFor those damned in flames repayAll sinners lose their lot on Judgement DayWe should have cut our looses as at CalvaryBut our hearts like heavy crosses held the vain beliefSalvation, like a promised nationGleamed a claim away...This is the end of everything you have ever knownBuried like vanquished reasonDeath is seasonDrive like the drifting snowPeace, a fragile lover, left us fantasising warOn our knees or another f**ker's shoreHeiling new fleshRead, then roaredTo a crooked cross and a Holy CauseWhat else be whipped to frenzy for?This is the end of everythingRear the tragediesThat the Seraphim shall singOld adversariesNext to EveNow they're clawing backI smell their cummingAs through webbed panes of meatLed by hoary DeathThey never leftDreaming sodomiesTo impress on human failureWhen we've bled upon our kneesTablatures of gravel lawShall see Gehennah pavedWhen empires fallAnd nightmares crawlFrom the cradle to enslave....This is the end of everything8. Saffron's CurseThrough arcades where shimmering snowfallLay in state with the sad and damnedA rent lament barely flung above a whisperDrew Me like a ghost to the haunts of ManI Found Her tempting fate between Her wrist and razorA kindred spirit in a graveyardBeneath the stature of a colder saviourMist hung like thieves wreathed in scant arabesquesAnd through the chill earth it bedwed Her drawling breastLike a come dream true under etched glass spentMaking love to the beautiful deadShe has sinned and severed HeavenAnd in it's vulgar sightTwo figures writhe, but one silhouetteExtends it's fingers to the light"Gothic towers tottered on Her heelsAs She fled asylum groundsCommitting hard crimes to soft cellsWhere now another's screams resound"From the gaspings in Her passingSix feet under or beneath frayed gownWhen Her hands pointed to midnightIn a white stained chamber boundI Swept Her from the abyss of another dementiaFreeing Her soul from the fetters of fateTo take the reins of pleasureNow nightwane mirrors freeze in seizureAt the glimpse of charmed pins in Her thighsBallrooms filled with black cats scratchOut of spite and playful eyesPricked as a Witch Her stitches itchFor familiar lips to lick them dryWhilst the dark regrasps, for if She asksThe Sun forsakes the rite to riseAnd is the first to discern, that this Angel's returnIs a vengefull call on graceFor even martyrdom backs from it's suicide pactsA leap of twisted fate betrayed...The scars will last until the starsCaught in Her train bewitchedFall into line and yeild the signThat Dawn in born to their eclipseFor Our InhumankindComes an underdog day SunriseRippling with fire llike femaleditionWind amidst the flameI gazed outTapped into the fog and shared her painWhen in her mind she sought his leaveAnd begged forgivenessI splintered Her coffin and lay on the floorOf a vault with Her clasped as the moon hugs the shoreWhat treachery this that She breathed no more?Christ you bastard!I wished Her back but the dead adored HerEven wild winds sang in chora for HerSaffron from my heart, from the start I sworeWe'd be together more...Creation froze with the triumph of DeathBut still She stirred and awoke bereftOf concern save for the aeons leftTo lead the darkness...She schemes of growing power and the lengths sucked hard to get itI dream of being God but ever living to regret itOur fecund nature decrees that Jesus wept come forThe Devil on Her kneesTo grant Her lows a remedyAnd mine desire's wishTo taste thereof of Heaven's scentAs sick and twisted as it isFor Her corset laced with arsenicHides snake curves within Her midstWhilst Her halo of white lies suppliesHer temple to what God forbids.9. Malice Through The Looking GlassTake away the wineFor restlessness plagues me....I am assailed by a spectre profounderThan hatred and grief or the sum of their hideous crimeI shalt suffer this confessional mimeAwaiting the sun to set, crimsoning seasOnly once it is dark doth my misery ceaseShe died to a sky dressed in flameEyes full of curses for her killers by choiceWho fell to their god o'er her vision and voice"I am as dusk come to ravish the light"Steal me from their stares and mute christ into night"I will answer thy prayers"If thou Wouldst drink of my life....10. Cruelty Brought Thee OrchidsHear Me now!All crimes should be treasured if they bring thee pleasure somehow...Maleficent in dusky roseGathered satin lapped Her breastsLike blood upon the snowA tourniquet of TopazGlistened at Her throatAwakening, pulled from the tombHer spirit freed eclipsed the moonThat She outshone as a fallen starA regal ornament from a far flung nebularHer likeness hung in the black galleryCommanding uneaseDemanding of Death to breathe...Midst the whirl and daylight faunaOf society at courtElizabeth bedazzled, Her presence sought applauseThough Her torchlit shadowThrown upon damp cellar wallsGreeted nothing but despair from slaves Her nights enthralledThirteen Winter solstices had shownHer path, that the darkHad marked its dominionSpaying the confessorWhose caresses she'd known,As whipcord in the House of DogHer cold cunt meat on holy boneRaped of faith, She now embracedThe narcissistic unrest frozen on the mirror's faceWith this disdain, inside these veins(Highborn wanton that She was)She sought to keep what age would claimHer soul was sold and for this tollReeking pyres ever smoulderedOn the whims of one so in controlElizabeth, mysterious.Cruelty brought thee orchidsFrom the bowels of the abyssOnce upon atrocity when midwitches stifled criesAnd carved abortive runes in reddened wombsExhumed by scrying eyesMadness came uponHer like an amourous lover's seedLifesblood splashed upon Her skinIn gouts torture unleashedAnd to Her dead reflectionTwas as if Her pallor gleamedLike an angel's warmed by candlesWhere erotic stains had cleavedSo demons dragged this libertineLusts screaming for releaseUpon the flesh of maidens preenedAs canvas for capriceExacting obeisanceHer gaze held a seanceOf spirits too trapped under glass to communeA sleeter mistress than LunaWhose threats to consume HerMet with torments giving vent to Her swoonFlat on Her backPack-prey for the reamsOf verses and cursesThat haunted Her dreamsMidnightmare chimedThirteen in Her mindA disciple of scarsBranded years hissed behindRidden split-thighedBy the Father of liesAn ovation of wolvesBlushed the skies as they writhedBut Heaven is never foreverShe came, a spent stormFrom the clouds...Leaving serpents in officeInside every gateTo lick righteous holesBlinding Lords to the fateOf virgins forced nakedTo defile on rent kneesHacked and racked backwardsMenses choking their pleas"More. Whore. More.Twitching make me wet with theeCarcass rub me raw"11. Lord AbortionI was born with a birthmark of cindersDebris cast from the stars and MotherA ring of bright slaughter, I spat in the watersOf life that ran slick from the stabwounds in HerDub Me Lord Abortion, the living deadThe bonesaw on the backseatOn this bitter night of giving headA sharp rear entry, an exit in redLump in the throat, on my come chokeThe killing joke worn thin with breathI grew up on the sluts bastard Father beat blueKeepsake cunts cut full out easing puberty throughAah! Nostalgia growsNow times nine or tenWithin this vice den called a soulDying resurrectionI dig deep to come againThe spasm of orgasm on a roll...I live the slow serrated rapeThe bucks fizz of amyl nitrateVictims force fed thair own faceTear stains upon the drapeI should compare themTo a warm Summer's dayBut to the letter, it is betterTo lichen their names to a graveCounting My years on an abacus strungWith labial rings and heartstrings undoneDub Me Lord Abortion, the living deadThe bonesaw on the backseatOn this bitter night of giving headA sharp rear entry, an exit in redLump in the throat, on My come chokeThe killing joke worn thin with breathHorrorscopes My dioramaA twelve part (so far) psychodramaAnother chained I mean to harm HerInside as well as outA perverts gasp inside the maskI'm hard, blow My house of cardsAll turn up Death, Her bleeding startsIn brute vermillion parts...Now I slither through the hairline cracksIn sanity, best watch your backPossessed with levering Hell's gates wideLiberating knives to cut Humanity slackMy ambition is to slay anonA sinner in the hands of a dirty GodWho lets Me prey, a Gilles De RaisOf light where faith leads truth astrayI slit guts guts and free the moistest faccesCorrupt the corpse and seize the choicest piecesHer alabaster limbs that dim the lit carnal grinVaginal skin to later taste and masturbate within"My heart was a wardrum beatBy jugular cults in eerie jungle vaultsWhen number thirteen fell in My lapLips and skin like sin, a Venus MantrapMy appetite whetted, storm crows wheeledAt the blurred edges or reason 'til I was fulfilledWhors d'oeuvres eaten, I tucked Her intoA grave coffin fit for the Queen of SpadesShe went out like the light in My mindHer face an avalanche of pearl, of ruby wine...Much was a flux, but the mouth once good for fucksCame from retirement to prove She had not lost Her touchI kissed Her viciously, maliciously, religiouslyBut when has ONE been able TO best seperate the THREE?I know I'm sick as Dahmer did, but this is what I doAah, aah, ahh, I'll let you sleep when I am through..."The suspect shadow sher they leastExpect My burning grasp to reachThe stranglehold, the opened armsSeeking sweet meat with no holes barredRainbows that My razors wrungMidst Her screams and seams undoneSung at the top of punctured lungsI bite My spiteful tongueLest curses spat from primal lairsFreeze romance where Angels, bareAre lost to love, bloodloss, despairI weep, they merely stare...And stare, and stare, and stare, and stare.12. Once Upon Atrocity13. Thirteen Autumns And A Widow (Red October Mix)Spawned wanton like blight on an auspicious nightHer eyes betrayed spells of the moon's eerie lightA disquieting gaze forever ghosting far seasBled white and dead, Her true mother was fedTo the ravenous wolves that the elements ledFrom crag-jagged mountains that seemingly grew in uneaseThrough the maw of the woods, a black carriage was drawnFlanked by barbed lightning that hissed of the storm(Gilded in crests of Carpathian breed)Bringing slaves to the sodomite for the new-bornOn that eve when the Countess' own came deformedA tragedy crept to the name BathoryElizabeth christened, no paler a roseGrew so dark as this sylphNone more cold in reposeYet Her beauty spun websRound hearts a glance would betrothShe feared the lightSo when She fell like a sinner to viceUnder austere, puritanical ruleShe sacrificed...Mandragora like virgins to rats in the wallBut after whipangels licked prisoners, thralledNever were Her dreams so maniacally cruel(And possessed of such delights)For ravens winged Her nightly flightsOf eroticaHalf spurned from the pulpitTorments to occurHalf learnt from the cabal of demonsIn HerHer walk went to voodooTo see Her own shadow adoredAt mass without flawThough inwards She abhoredNot Her coven of suitorsBut the stare of their Lord"I must avert mine eyes to hymnsFor His gaze brings dogmas to my skinHe knows that I dreamt of carnal ritesWith Him undead for three long nights"Elizabeth listenedNo sermons intonedDragged such guilt to Her doorTombed Her soul with such stoneFor She swore the Priest sighedWhen She knelt down to atone...She feared the lightSo when She fellLike a sinner to viceUnder austere, puritanical ruleShe sacrificedHer decorum as chasteTo this wolf of the clothPouncing to hauntHer confessional boxForgiveness would comeWhen Her sins were washed offBy rebaptism in white....The looking glass cast Belladonna wreaths'Pon the grave of Her innocenceHer hidden face spat murderFrom a whisper to a screamAll sleep seemed cursedIn Faustian verseBut there in orgiastic HellNo horrors were worseThan the mirrored revelationThe She kissed the Devil's phallusBy Her own decree...So with windows flung wide to the menstrual skySolstice Eve She fled the castle in secretA daughter of the storm, astride Her favourite nightmareOn winds without prayerStigmata still wept between Her legsA cold bloodedness which impressed new hatredsShe sought the SorceressThrough the snow and dank woods to the sodomite's lairNine twisted fates threw hewn bone dieFor the throat of ElizabethDamnation won and urged the moonIn soliloquy to gleamTwixt the trees in shaftsTo ghost a pathPast the howl of buggered nymphsIn the sodomite's graspTo the forest's vulvaWhere the witch scholared HerIn even darker themes"Amongst philtres and melissasMidst the grease of strangled menAnd eldritch truths, elder ill-omenElizabeth came to life again"And under lacerations of dawn She returnedLike a flame unto a deathsheadWith a promise to burnSecrets brooded as She rodeThrough mist and marsh to where they showedHer castle walls wherein the restlessCounted carrion crowsShe awoke from a fable to mourningChurch bells wringing Her madly from sleepTolled by a priest, self castrated and hungLike a crimson bat 'neath the belfryThe biblical prattled their mantrasHexes six-tripled their feesBut Elizabeth laughed, thirteen Autumns had passedAnd She was a widow from god and His wrath, finally...14. For Those Who Died (Return To The Sabbat Mix)You stand before this court, accused of heresy and witch craft. How do you plead?"Good duo!""Guilty!"Our tongues they could not silence with their malicious liesTheir unforgotten violence, remember those who diedAnd as my flesh is put to fire I hear their voices stillTheir unjust accusations demanding I am killed"We shall show no mercy to heathen such as theeWho stand accused and have refused the Church's clemencyYour wicked acts are endless through the crimes we cannot nameInnocent or guilty proved, we'll burn you just the same"Burning, into the fireBurning, a funeral pyreBurning, into the fireBurning, a funeral pyreThis self-righteous inquisition is a plague upon our landAs false as the confessions they force from shattered hands"We shall show no mercy to heathen such as theeWho stand accused and have refused the Church's clemencyYour wicked acts are endless through the crimes we cannot nameInnocent or guilty proved, we'll burn you just the same"Burning, into the fireBurning, a funeral pyreBurning, into the fireBurning, a funeral pyreAbused my broken body is cleansed by righteous flame,Their God a 'God of Mercy' yet in whose name I slain.My innocence the victim of their superstitious fearsReligious persecution for the past three hundred yearsPreaching peace and mercy 'neath the shadow of the knifeA papal reign of terror, slaughter in the name of ChristAnd as my flesh is put to fire I hear their voices stillTheir unjust accusations demanding I am killed"We shall show no mercy to heathen such as theeWho stand accused and have refused the Church's clemencyYour wicked acts are endless through the crimes we cannot nameInnocent or guilty proved, we'll burn you just the same"Burning, into the fireBurning, a funeral pyreBurning, into the fireBurning, a funeral pyre15. Sodomy And LustBehind the scenes of destinyI adore you in this song for meCall me within your holy house to dwellLet me raise for myself in spellVoluptuously dancing daughters of the night skySing the rapturous love song with highLet your sweet scented juice runWaste away under the lashes of my whipBath in sinSadistic soulsBreak their crustSodomy and lustCarnal desire runs through my veinsWhipping boys and scapegoats cry in painPsychopathic terror during their sleepMy power asks why, my power is weakSpineless bundles of my excessExpurse of innocence and helplessnessIn the perfumes of my secret orisonFresh blood of children drops down on meBath in sinSadistic soulsBreak their crustSodomy and lustMadness, crime, disgrace, ptomaineExcrements, contempt, violence, killOrdeals if a thousand deads congealed in gloomStrike hard and deep, to hell with them masterMighty prophet's stature shall surpass the starsThe passion is the smell of cremationI spit on your crapulous creed curse them!Sucking your giveth delight and bright gloryStrive ever to be more joyous to the deathDon't fear any god will deny you for thisBath in sinSadistic soulsBreak Their crustSodomy and lust16. Twisting Further Nails17. Amore E Morte (Lycanthroy Mix)Her bouquets are wiltedToo long has She sleptTheir cruel red mouths darkenedTo bowed silhouettesI saw in a new moonWith Her scent on my breathBut then all to soonCame the hunger for fleshI held Her in eyes like necropoliLaying Her on a tomb with a viewLighting Her from Her feetTo the stars in Her hairDrove sweet blood to Her throatAnd My lips parted there(In the tone of splintered bone)She screams benightedMy limbs igniteA carneal carnivoreOn all fours to go...An ebon NemesisFrom torture gardens of DisHaving never breathed an EveAs far narcotic as thisTwo spellbound hellhoundsHearts pounding loudRacing Heaven out of focusUnder quicksilver clouds"God is maimed come let us prey..."To lunar deities that pave deadwaysTwixt the living and the graveAmor e MorteTo cast our fearl shadows thereWe made Love bleed on a Deathbed sharedWhere, begging Me to feedTo best be Were...I licked Her wounds and ate Her rareArgentinum spurredHer watnon words incurredA sin ridden tongueTo open trading in furNever were those gates of pearlSo rubbed to their cuspNever were the Worlds aboveSo bitten with the bestial...Seraphim fell like guillotinesGiving gracious headInstead of harking propheciesAnd how our brother sangAmor e MorteIn the thick evergreensTheirs was a chorus for raucous soulsShifting shape and lifting napesTo commemorateErotic stainsAmor e MorteUnfasten thy masqueCome skyclad to my armsLeave thy gown a dark pool at thy feetI yearn musky valleys that no Man hath seenThe chill keen of starsOver Yew and deep wooded ravinesA hidden meridianWhere Midian may be...In black antlered gladesEncunted in this forest GoddessShe whispers My nameI buck under flamesAnimal nitratesHowling through my veinsI ride riptides that wrest and writhe to the foreNew lusts ecllipsing lipsThat brought me to this verge of WarWith inner beasts unleashedTo feast, fuck and runRampart in chase of She wolf pactsForged on heat with setting SunsI love the nightIt would murder My soulShould I ever fall blindFor though thy flesh hauntsI keep also in mindThe stampede of cloudsFrom Dusk's predatory skyPurple versed like the funeral hearseThat first turned thee over to My...Unbridled kiss when I found thee in mistDressed for the sepulchreMy Demon bride..."God is maimed come let Us prey..."To Lunar Deities that pave deadwaysTwixt the living and the graveAmor e MorteOurs was a chorus for raucous soulsShifting sape and lifting napeTo commemorateErotic stainsAmor e MorteAmor e Morte18. Carmilla's Masque19. Lustmord And Wargasm (The Relicking Of Cadaverous Wounds)An Archangel in bondageBediademed, souledWith a murder of ravensBut no less Astarte to beholdAbandoned by HeavenTo the dead, dark and pastCast Her dispersionsOn life's brittle glassAnd though Her eyes still held fireAs stonewalls caged the beast'Gainst the lassitudes of DeathShe fought but fell to greetAnd midst lies in collusionShe was martyred to teachThat "Divinity and LustAre forever forbidden to meet"But I swore that they wouldBefore the veil could part our embraceTwixt Her cold, silent hips I kissedAnd promised Christendom in flamesGravid with madnessLike a feculent dirgeThat obsesses the heartI am covened by wordsTo avenge HerEbon splendourAnd surrenderMy soul to the dead to achieveProphecies of libidinous scourgeHorripilation braying o'er carious herdsVexing nightmaresAnd their weak prayersTo a no one thereTo hinder Her decreeTo weed the world of their diseaseAs shadows unblind mine eyes to seeThe meat that is their congregationHow they plead to the skiesBut this is mere foreplay to warScar-riddled saffron eves bleed like the conjugalVestal daughters giving throat to the priestA psychophant, the despoiler of faithNow His skinless crucifixion feeds a winged dioceseFor Her interredI tore a battle banner from His hideSplashed in red goetiaHues of Hell and deicideSo came the nightIts obsidian lightIs a master whom disastersSuck upon like concubinesAnd under black skirtsThat whisper of delightDarkseeds near fruitionDarked deeds to marry mine"In Death's bed I have lainPaying lip-service to shameBut for dreaming of thee I regainA reason to seek life again"Then we smite the divineFor our true nature is sinTo strip tender flesh from these swineLike the lick of carnivorous windsThe breath of the storm that beginsBy forcing its Herod tongue inThe womb of the holy virginTo taste of immaculate sinFrom temptation's peak we will seeThe world unfurled at lastNow the wolves of time who stalk MankindShall be as one in grim repastCommemorating sickle moonsThe pack are poised to reapA scythe of white roses in bloomWhose twisted thorns will keepA crown upon a dead manDaylights crucified in sleepAnd lives that hide in scriptured liesTo the memories of a screamAnd we shall dance amid the ruinAs Adam and EvilDizzy at the falling starsThat burn fiercer in throes of upheavalIf all must we damn for this momentThen it shall be soFor our souls have crossed oceans of timeTo clasp one another more tightlyThan Death could alone...As Zyklon beats reign to make carrion crawlThe talons of lust rake a clarion callTo the lick of carnivorous windsThe lick of carnivorous winds20. Dawn Of EternityWinter ice - Terminal frostClosing eyes of the equinoxDimensional change - darkening skiesThe sphere is shackled till duskProphet dreams - ride the windsAs black holes open for devouringUniversal chaos in the realm of timeSurface of earth - covered in rimeFrom beyond enter the horrorOf a dark and hideous natureThe fall of man is now at handAwakened from an ancient slumberThe immortal ones returnThe earth is theirs once againStricken, cursed - frozen damnationMan's fall to perpetual dominationTime trapped in between changesFrigid return to the chamber of ages21. Of Dark Blood And Fucking (Stripped To The Bone Mix)Sister midnight comes blasphemingScreaming in the keys of faith and fearUnentwining our spines twists me to kneeling...Spilling like the moonlight on her glistening rearDefiled at heartIn this perfect hellUnder red leaves bleedingOver scaled chateau we fellTo demonocracyWhere neither Adam or EveConceived of such iniquitiesFrom pleasure or painOr the razor's edge inbetweenThou art my seventh heaven burningGoing down as with the sun...Within like a river fluids moves a torrentBound to pleaseOn denierred kneesIn any wicked wayThat her whims may warrantI hang on every verbEvery dirty wordInterredIn her pornoglossa...Christlike, whipped and weakPainted nails driven through the meekYet in obituaryMy dreams still weepOf dark blood and fucking theeThou art seventh heaven burningGoing down as with the dayBaring lunar curvatureLike canvas for a lick of painWrithing like a viperDeep inside her EdenForbidden to eatI kiss leylines to her feetThen baiting wrathI steal a pathBack to the fruits of her wombBack to the crack of her tomb...Her roseate sliverQuivers with snuff appealThe torque of her hipsLip-sync me in for the killTongue-tied, tightrope and spread like diseaseI drain the cup of this Miss SireHer water into wine for meThou art my seventh angel squirming'Neath the forked tongue of the beastArching toward the fabledLike a sculptured nymph seeking base relief...Whilst the world outside(A wood of suicide)Would die for this releaseOur slow orgasmic fuses greet...By night and by candleAt each other's throatIn a slick drift of redSetting god's teeth on edgeWe were as wolves preying inside the foldOf a slaughtered lamb throwOn a four poster bed...Succulent, SuccubusLaid without restIn the dead of the nightSucculent, SuccubusIn thy armsAnd thy wetnessOn glossed lips I tasteConspiracies, secrecies, sorceries lacedWith thick unguent rumBlack-rayed suns and AutumnAlways in season for our nightfall from graceGorge upon my seedStarved PersephoneSucculent, SuccubusSuccour me.That I might keepThee with me in HadesSucculent, SuccubusSuccour me22. Dance Macabre23. Hell Awaits[Slayer Cover][Backwards: "Join us" x times][Welcome back]Existing on damnation's edgeThe priest had never knownTo witness such a violent showOf power overthrownAngels fighting aimlesslyStill dying by the swordOur legions killing all in sightTo get the one called LordThe Gates of Hell lie waiting as you seeThere's no price to pay just follow meI can take your lost soul from the graveJesus knows your soul can not be savedCrucify the so called LordHe soon shall fall to meYour souls are damned your God has fellTo slave for me eternallyHell awaits...The Reaper guard's the darkened GatesThat Satan calls his homeDemons feed the furnace whereThe Dead are free to roamLonely children of the nightThere's seven ways to goEach leading to the burning holeThat Lucifer controlsPriests of Hades seek the sacred starSatan sees the answer lies not farZombies screaming souls cry out to youSatanic laws prevail your life is throughPray to the moon... when it is roundDeath with you shall then aboundWhat you seek... for can't be foundIn sea or sky or undergroundNow I have you deep inside my everlasting graspThe seven bloody Gates of HellIs where you'll live your lastWarriors from Hell's DomainWill bring you to your DeathThe flames of Hades burning strongYour soul shall never restThe Gates of Hell lie waiting as you seeThere's no price to pay just follow meI can take your lost soul from the graveJesus knows your soul can not be savedSacrifice the lives of all I know theySoon shall dieTheir souls are damned to rot in HellAnd keep the fire growing deep insideHell awaits...24. Hallowed Be Thy Name[Iron Maiden Cover]I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chimeReflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much timeCos at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows PoleThe sands of time for me are running lowMotherfuckers, running lowWhen the priest comes to read me the last ritesI take a look through the bars at the last sightsOf a world that has gone very wrong for meCan it be that there's some sort of errorHard to stop the surmounting terrorIs it really the end not some crazy dreamSomebody please tell me that I'm dreamingIt's not so easy to stop from screamingBut words escape me when I try to speakTears they flow but why am I cryingAfter all I am not afraid of dyingDon't believe that there is never an endAs the guards march me out to the courtyardSomeone calls from a cell "God be with you"If there's a God then why has he let me die?As I walk all my life drifts before meAnd though the end is near I'm not sorryCatch my soul cos it's willing to fly awayMark my words believe my soul lives onDon't worry now that I have goneI've gone beyond to see the truthWhen you know that your time is close at handMaybe then you'll begin to understandLife down there is just a strange illusion.Hallowed be thy nameHallowed be thy nameHallowed be thy nameHallowed be thy nameHallowed be thy nameHallowed be thy nameHallowed be thy nameHallowed be thy name