1. A Bruise Upon The Silent Moon"And the Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep..."2. The Promise Of FeverIn the beginningRimmed with wind and stormA great black wrath of infinite mathSpat snarling into formAnd there was HeavenLit up with precious stonesEach one could fall but for the ruleOf Faith and love and stronger thronesAnd therein rose vast wondersAffections to be seenFathered from the plunderedReflections of a dreamFogging into nightmareFor him whose place was setWith wayward stars that absent, marredAll creation with their theftIn the beginningBewinged and ringed with dawnThis favoured Avatar, enthralledSwansongs from those that thronged this shoreWith Gabriel and MichaelHe shone with fierce intentFor loyalty, their joy to seeHim spur the hymns to heaven (sent)For sculptured lips of seraphimWhom fate then cruelly rent(With sleight fingered strains of harmony)Each note to grim portentAs grinning nimbus gatheredOver spires arabesqueFor Him that blazed with holy praiseThat for a jealous God was meantShining FeriluceLustrous scourge of fallen spiritsBasked in glory, flewTo lakes in sacred altitudesSweet haunting music swathed the breezeWith curling tongues that lapped the leadAs through thick mountain mist (with thoughts adrift)Until at last, past grasping treesHe paused to draught forbidden streamsThat whispered siren promisesTo drown his thirst (for sports amiss)These waters held secretsLike raped Russian dollsWherein evil and goodTore his soul for controlAnd drunk with the verse of desire's first wordsThe weight of the universeSlunk in rehearsedHorror in numbers too great to discernThe rotting of worlds to the conqueror wormAnd love a rare orchid so fragile in bloomEspied gasping breath under dark sheeted moonsShining FeriluceReflected in jaded mirrorClimbing from the nooseOf time in divine servitudeAnd thus a strange new melodyOf will and wanton fantasiesWhetted by the veiled, seenDanced from his ashen lipsIn red dawn scores, the silver screamOf truth and her deleted scenesWas taken up as far, it seemedAs God his words eclipsed(Those waters hid visionsLike butchers in warPerverting the courseOf life's blood evermore...)In the beginningSkinned well with gibbous tonesOf countenance and ignoranceIn equal measures sewnA marbled arc of AngelsSworn to the morningstarShared His pride and deep insideFelt Chill Shadows sweep their cards3. Hurt And VirtueDistant vistasSwathed in the hazeOf the reddening sunsetFell to whispers'Neath stars that marred descending skiesFrom the cusp of midnight mountainsWending as a mistRebels truced with Feriluce(In truth, few could resist)Came praising his hellraising throughThe sparse and marble climeWhere Virtue bathed, their ravings madeHer fountains flood with wineLifted with the giftOf their dark seductive songsShe drifted from the pathShe was surely set uponCourting chaosPrized in sightOf the covering angelTaught in ways ofSmothering another loverOther than GodWorshipped in each other's armsLike spider eidolonsThe moon conducted like a charmThose strange attachments onAnd this is how they came to beDragged before the throneThrough tongues that hung whilst theirs were runOn soft white throats and punctured moansThough fated now than laterBy his tutor that had beenHe baited the CreatorWith the future he had seenOf Michael, psyched with jealousiesA reich right by His sideAnd worming Man about to beThe apple of His eyeHis children lost to free willAnd the cost of beaten heartsLike the night 'twixt vice and VirtueWhen Her kiss became a scarSeraph enemiesWhy has my lord forsaken my judgmentAm I not free as He to indulge my darkest fantasies?From embittered lipsThese words were slatheredSplit with the whipsOf their witch hunt gatheredHe sought Her graveMidst drowning crowds that howled in rage...Blasphemer!Blasphemer!Though she was goneNot lyriced to the song of their spirited throngBut ghosted back where she belong...A grace embracing MichaelIn a lace of tears that bleared his prideHe swallowedBlood followedThough with spit for all things divineThough with spit for all things so fucking blindHis seal He toreAnd to the floorHe threw this tie to heavenSignifying holy warAnd watchful of this signA thousand flames, unauthorisedLeft celestial postsTo coalesce and, unifiedReturn their fallen leaderAs he turned one final timeAnd threw a glanceLike a downward lanceThat stung like guilt in every mind4. An Enemy Led The TempestAs pride precedes the downfallSo he took His place before the firewallOf dissonant choirs whose faith in oneWas embraced in this wraith whose fate was hungBetween forgiveness and the damage doneAn electric scent over drear decayLent a violent surge to their serenadesThrough white glades as His winged paradeBent to silhouette and to sharpen dull razorsWithin vast skies unversed in starknessHis might grewAnd blew light hues to grey...And worse, a third of stars to darknessThen thunder seethedAnd wreathed in thickening nightA line was drawn midst wrong and rightAnd across the throat of thievesAs love fell choked, the tempest brokeFrom Heaven's farthest shoreDescending to eclipse all hopeRepentance might stay holy warHe would not heel nor fake a bowMurmur curses to the windEnraged, he raved in balrog howlsUpon a storm firstborn of sinIncensed anew, rebellious toreLike frenzied beasts of preyThrough temple doors...Thrown east before the midnight massesAnd where once bliss reigned so sereneIn sweeter gladesNow veins ran openly...Like eyes that shed from kindred ashesWhen suddenlyThere shone a hideous lightAnd a voice like three insanitiesSoared up in thistled speech"Thou hast bred hate where there dwelt noneAnd for this grave mistakeHow thou art fallen Morning SunThe proud will be abased"He would not heel nor fake a bowMurmur curses to the windAnd lo, the wrath of god swept down..."Thou art no more an angel filledWith light, but a leech to be abhorredAnd thou shalt suffer My burning will"...Quoth this raven: "Nevermore"Never fucking moreAnd with these words like heavy stoneCast against that gilded throneWith many legions still in towHe turned his wings to fleeHis eyes a picture of distasteDrawn to tears and in their placeThe dawn of time and fates to faceThrough all eternity...I wept for him a deep red riverThat ran like blood through scarred ravinesTo sluice away the guilt that slitheredLike a serpent tongue to EveFor once as I, in heaven climbedToo high for truth to truly seeMy sunken mind, drunken and blindSaw the lie: The fool was Me...Alone and cold, face to the crackBeyond the dark gates with no way backHis crown of gold faded to blackLike a bruise upon the heart that lingersWith thrill-kill culture shock wave lengthsOf rope to hang highTen commandments by...Snaked about his upraised fingers5. Damned In Any Language (A Plague On Words)"And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not. Neither was their place found anymore in Heaven. And the Great Dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out into the Earth and his angels were cast out with him."[Revelations 12:7-9]6. Better To Reign In HellHeart in hand passed clasp of painIn dark lowland that set bad blood in veinsBurning, like penal fires roused to strainThe jagged-toothed skyline braced with crossesThe golden dawnLay lost to mist whereEmboldened thornsMade their bed with toppled stonesHe closed His eyesSunken to dream thereOf crow-black skiesAnd a great white empty throneHorror stalked the bilious fogsThat balked his visionsHe licked the spittle from the cheeks of the wryAnd drifted back to when His stung its targetThe sneer of Michael on a glorious highOf angel dust and Virtue by his sideDrowning in the pastThat downfall seemed like yesterdayThough blurred moons passedAs enemies in high places laughedMoved to mirrors cracked with heavy linesHe rose snowblind, through shifting sands of timeErased the trace and taste of bitter winesThe grapes of wrath grew fat on the vineShe came to HimA little whip of tantrumsThrashed on velvet skinsThat lines Her wishbone HengeHer name was SinA warming spurt of mantrasSplashed on occult tonguesThat whispered sweet revengeFor the shame of their crawl from graceCold and hollow as the graveAnd for a rape and ruinous scourgeSpared for souls that shared God's worshipFor now their throats coated notes with dirgeThat poured from parapets to the pits belowDrowning in the pastA wretched scream like yesterdayDied at lastWith the rising of the revenant darkAll sharpened claws and blunt discharge"I shall bow no more to the dogs of the LordTearing at my carcass heartI shall fall to my knees only at the keyholesOf Virtue slipping into bondage masks...Freewill made me better to reign in hell"And with new wingsUnfurled and spokenHe took to thingsThat would desecrate the worldThe seduction of both woman and manFor a bastard masterplanDrowning out the pastFool Fates unwound cruel yesterdaysbeneath the starsThat staggered from the blast7. Serpent Tongue[Part 1]So adept was unspoken ManAt dusting ledgers of the seraphimThat Lilith swept across the broken landIn a whirl of lust to pleasure himThis bland Adam, a reaper of the sunIn bone dry season, for Eve was busy sucking thumbsPricked in rosy gardens as he spattered into shellsAnd ran with morning fauna; His mastiffs and gazelleBreathless as the windAdam, prowled, fell foul to SinBut not before She spread Her grinAcross His silent lipsAt crack of day, though what was shame?The raptor's nest wherein they layBore witness to Her soft paradeOf fingers come to gripsHis undivine attention wonShe deftly spunFrom 'neath His thrusts to writhe aboveIn ecstasyPendulous She swungAs if her limbs imbibed His tongueTo spill, as with His rodThe secret name of GodBut no seed passed those fruitful lips(Serpent Tongue)For fearing Her who grasped, He slit(Serpent Tongue)Her throat from ear to where She fled(Serpent Tongue)With tail and blood between Her legsss...[Part II]So very kept was the virgin handThat brushed the treasures of UtopiaAnd how the greed swept across the desert sandsIn late August just to measure HerThis hallowed Eve, a creature of the moonA simple dish born with a silver spoonGiddy sniffing orchids that opened after duskIncubus and Prudence, two such swoon to touch HerRestless as the skiesTemptation, bloomed, found room to riseAnd snatching breaths between Her thighsHe crawled to Eve...At dead of night, the sticky climeSmelt perfect to this serpentineThis shining AngelPalled in mysteries...Her undivine attention wonHe deftly spunA web of for the oneGreat sacred treeBejewelled and litAs if a thousand shades did flitAbout boughs of forbidden loreHidden for the want of moreAnd when seeds passed those fruitful lipsAnd Mankind basked in vast eclipseA Devil shot of thin disguiseSurmised to better paradise8. CarrionLurking in the shadeOf dark and fragrant treesShirking from the rageThat tore the heavens freeA vagrant AngelHis with span to seeThe garden swell with terrorsTo banish man and EveAnother fall from graceWhiplashed from the gatesHalf-naked and insaneFull-blooded, breastedNerve ends testedTo behests of painA sombre lot to gainA storm slid inBorne by carnal windsThe upper ether thinnedAnd therein sat abominationsSatan seated thereSavouring the reek of desolationTheir dank despairMoved His speech to leech the air"Behold the golden doorTo paradise is lostSo praise Me as you raised your LordAnd I shall thaw this gnawing frost"Another fall from graceWhiplashed from the gatesHalf-naked and insaneAnd destined for a spiteful FateWherein evil sought the shamedAs pawns in greater stakesAcross this cosmic gameTo win the handOf darkness andSet Her in her rightful place"Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow thou shalt eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall bring it forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it was thou taken: for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return."[Genesis 3:17-19]At the throat of the human raceWith claws engorged and poised to rakeWith that the pact was sealedAnd as creation reeledBewitched oration filledThe hearts of allWho came to crawlUpon these earthen fieldsA sombre lot to tillA wracked black acid songSpat from the massive throngOf Seraph knelt alongThe deep red welt to dominationThe deep red welt to domination9. The Mordant Liquor Of Tears[Instrumental]10. Presents From The Poison-HeartedReigning at the feast of PhantasiaHeightened pleasures were endeavoured to bowBefore My coronation and vocal aspirationsTo rule this fool creation fallen 'neath me nowI knew deep eyesOf a distant ChristWere scarred from afar under starry lustreSighting my recitals on the rites of vicePerverting VirtueEnslaving graceBehind the glittering mask of prideSaving face finding thorns to pierce His sideDesire, the fireSpread hell throughout my soulAnd higher the wireThe more I sought controlStraining from the leash in exultationHead to the wind to breathe with ravenous lungsThe global scent of fornicationA writhe of many vipers deciphering tonguesI whispered schemes to dreamers thenTo pursue an EdenThat screamed of me supreme againAs my world bloomedSo too the moonThrough Adam to Seth, Enos, CainanMahalaleel and Jared blewPerverting virtueEnslaving graceBehind the slippery guise of liesSaving face making waves to drown their faithMessiahs, PariahsAeons reversed the twoThis higher, their spiresThe more cursed grew their rootsAnd suffering...I swept cruel seasOn the galley of the shadow of deathA fist in the cunt of the spread horizonA kiss for the sun risen red once dines onThe coast of MensesDischarged from celestial wombsA first degree murder of ravensFollowed in fugue through the crack of doomThe Goat of MendesI set regimeIn the galley of the shadow of death...Angels in raimentsAs pure as coalTaking their paymentsIn tortured mortal soulsA bold directionThe abyss edgeBut on cold reflectionOne they warmed to nonethelessAs they preyed the paths of the righteousThrough the myth of thistled orchard floorsBearing gifts of plenitude, forThe apples of the Lord were rotten to the coreTemptation, my ambassadorAttila, Hesiod, Pharisees and NeroAll begged of Me for moreDown dark steps of historyI waged war with a heavenI could not see...Beyond my wildest fantasiesThrowing sixes over deadly sinI traded whose who played to winSkin for precious kin...And that that wormed withinStaining the reams of revelationEtching ever-afters in accursed verseThe limpid rags of resurrectionFrom papal parapets were to dirt dispersedDesire, the flyersSpread hell throughout their soulsAnd higher the fireThe more I held control11. Doberman PharaohTo and fro, through freeze and thawsFrom zenith to nadirThe universal tug of warSaw lines drawn in the sands appearDivisions of a promised landAnd Hell for those that dweltBeneath a Pharaoh's granite handWhere death wed something elseMillennia swam passedSince the covened ArkRan aground on Ararat...But anew, tempered shadows grewOut of Midian, strewing fearOver verdant lawns, the resurgent stormsLed a desert son to searFrom the palace orchard I espied...(Where swooning trees and moonless beams viedFor the painted eye of the royal brideWhose gliding curves were deified)...beyond Her grace where love would dieWretched destiny arriveBack and forth the prophet cameRiddled with a tongue of plaguesThat would render might Egypt lameIf the rage of God stayed unassuaged...I listened with a heavy heartBut unveiled to the threatsThis Hebrew in a jackal's maskWould dredge into effectThenceforth the Nile reddeneds if Set stretched His handTo beset the damnedAnd bruised with fliesThe skies grew leadenedBut these miracles, fearedWere all but rearedBy nature, whose law aloneStood that reveredThis hysteria passed, but still the markOf Yahveh burned on in the darkOne final time, on the steps to the shrineOf Thoth, I twined with fate"Let my people go""Still my word is no""Then Death shall be the deciding plague"Since the crimes divine I left behindI'd warred with every tribe that pliedIn holy vestament, but with timeBored sore of clawing what was mineI laid my bones and made my throneWith a view to paradiseThenceforth the heavens deafenedAs if great beastsWere unleashed to feast on manAnd with carrion spanMichael was weaponedTo descend with scornA dark reformThrough Pi-RamsesSkinning mine and Her firstbornThus suspiria passed each sacred markOf Yahveh, bleeding in the darkWith nauseous dawn, a cry, forlornUnified from plazas deepThe prophet's curseFar worse had workedTo wrest the war in me from sleepDrowned in light, a downward lightBathed the snaking exodusThrough the wildernessAs the Aeons creptImpressed with fresh bloodlust12. Babalon A.D. (So Glad For The Madness)I bled on a pivotal stretchLike a clockwork ChristBears sore stigmata, boredAnd as I threw Job, I droveMyself to a martyred wretchTo see if I drew pityOr pretty litanies from the LordSo the plot sickenedWith the coming of daysIll millennia thickenedWith the claret I sprayedAnd though they saw redI left a dirty white stainA splintered know in the grainOn Eden's marital aidSo glad for the madnessI walked the walls naked to the moonIn Sodom and BabylonAnd through rich whores and corridorsOf the VaticanI led a sordid Borgia onI read the Urilia textSo that mortals wormedAs livebait for the deadAnd as I broke hope, I chokedAnother pope with manna peelDictating to DeSadeIn the dark entrails of the BastilleAnd as he wrote, I smoteA royal blow to the heads of FranceAnd in the sheen of guillotinesI saw others, fallen, danceI was an incurableNecromantic old foolA phagadaena that crawledDrooling over the pastA rabid wolf in shawlA razor's edge to the ruleThat the stars overallWere never destined to lastSo glad for the madnessI furnaced dreams, a poet, for of sleepTurning sermons with the smellOn Witchfinder fingersWhere bad memories lingeredBurning, as when DanteWas freed to map HellI sired schemes and the meansTo catch sight of the seamsAnd the vagaries inbetween...And midst the lips and the curlsOf this cunt of a worldIn glimpses I would seeA nymph with eyes for meEyes of fire that set all life aflameLights that surpassed artIn sight, that no intense device of painCould prise their secrets from my heartI knew not her nameThough her kiss was the sameWithout a whisper of shameAs either Virtue or Sin'sAnd pressed to Her curveI felt my destiny swerveFrom damnation reservedTo a permanent grin...So glad for the madness13. A Scarlet Witch Lit The Season[Instrumental]14. MannequinBurning flesh,Dripping sweat,Using them all,like the paralyzing snake,Charmed and enchanted by the babylon whore.Led to other worldsBy the girls she curled withinI took their skins to see HerBe my mannequinBe my mannequinI cannot rememberHow it was that we first metCurve of moon and haunted shoreThe stars were not those Heaven sentDid we come togetherAt masked palatial BallsIn silks and flesh and leatherOr did we come at all?I dreamt a midnight castleThe eerie song of wolvesAnd eyes that danced with fireAs they have forever moreOur rites of sinHave long fathered a hymnTo burden HimWhom by slip of after whimAt genesisDressed Her like the windIn Autumn gownsThat pinned Her downTo be my mannequinBe my mannequinAlways poised on winterBut never would She breakMy lovecraft and black witch heartThat pounded in Her wakeWe kissed on distant balconiesA law unto Her ownThirteenth dark commandmentOf figures pressed to stoneTurning cream with fantasiesThat God alone would knowWe graced vomitoriumWith the sweet excess of RomeFlagrant in the pastOur names were deeply carved On the tree of life in long dead languagesLed to other worldsBy the girls she curled withinI took their skins to see HerBe my mannequinBe my mannequinI tongued the nuns at LouviersBut not one word possessedHer divine right, an archetypeFor mortal Goddesses...15. Thank God For The SufferingI, I still recall, the first fullmoon of May'Neath whose rays we lay togetherAnd those bright nights on glassy wavesWhen we would glide lightly awayFrom the grainFor wicked flights of pleasureThose visions fadeLike ghosts to life's paradeThough incisions once made her so vividA scarlet whoreWith both heels in the doorOf a heaven severed from me, insipidAnd midst the writhe of parapetsWhere angels sigh, lonely she sitsUpon the lipOnly a slip from whence I beg HerThat I would wishHer kiss a chrysalisTo break to make my fluttered heart amissAnd in those frozen moments wonFrom grief that creeps to wreathe the sunin drapes inwove with deathshead wingI thank God for the sufferingLove would have conquered allBut for the RaptureThat ancient plan for my defeatDenied Faith skies that would have set Her freeIt seems again dreams wend to captureOnce dancing in a spotlit waltzThrough shadowed dimensionGiven to the rivers that bedizened Her eyesThe world drifted by in lost momentumWith no divine interventionRegardless that the authorOf sin was me and ILay chaste of hate in Faith's embraceAs Mortals warred with more besidesThey warred with life itselfAnd in those frozen moments wonFrom grief that creeps to wreathe the sunIn drapes inwove with deathshead wingI thank God for the sufferingAnd I thank God for the sufferingAs still I burnFor Her returnI would make my peace with everythingI, I still recall, the first fullmoon of MayConsigned to flames like secret lettersAnd midst the writhe of parapetsWhere angels sigh, lonely she sitsUpon the lipOnly a slip from whence I beg herThat I would wishHer kiss a chrysalisTo break to make my fluttered heart amissAnd in those frozen moments wonFrom grief that creeps to wreathe the sunIn drapes inwove with deathshead wingI thank God for the sufferingLove would have conquered allWere we not partedHer splintered loss rekindles rageThe winter frost dwindles across my stageLit up once more to score finales startedLove would have conquered allLove would have conquered...Hate16. The Smoke Of Her BurningEarth and sea cower from my screamsAs I climb into the skiesAtop sins towered heaven high for meFrom whence I see no reason whyI should not smite with vengeanceAnd hurl thieves down from paradiseFor storms before were as nothing moreThan a breeze next to this nightI am Methuselah of the TribulationThe Moonchild come to harmA riot of stars shaken from their stationThe choking smoke of Jerusalem burningSix vices become wrathAnd though half-blind with raveningLike Phineus now I seeThe end declared from the beginningLove won through my defeatBut now I fear I will never peerOn Her radiance againI shall glimpse instead, the slurried redOf faces pressed to bloodstained panesBetrayed and played by GodWho alone but HeScapegraced and goated me?Now I wish to piss on His paradeAngels, clawed with burnished wingsStill loyal, kiss the sealBent on knees and harrowingPromise overkillKnow that you shall die like whoresAnd the cries of your writhings shall riseTo please their Lord...So before the swordSide with me in slaughterI am Methuselah of the TribulationThe Moonchild come to harmThe spoken horns of desolationDrink the pouring of my furyThose darkened waters spurThe brink of war as my judge and juryAnd rapist executionerOur time is short, the horsemen rideA foul-breathed chora howls, besidesDamnation and a day has passedThis divine right to genocideWeld the gates to heaven shutThe abyss leers in hissing rutsUnhilt the black grimoire of deathInscribe all names that God has leftI lived the dream of nymph and menBut now the nightmares come againNow the nightmares come again...17. End Of Daze"And the Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep"Extra information from the booklet:THE SCARRED AND STARRY HOSTDani Filth - Scripture And HowlsPaul - Unrepentant White NoiseMartin Foul - Keys To Ransacked EdenDavid Pubis - Poisoned Heart ThrobAdrian - Savage Repercussion...all closed books on virtueSarah Jezebel Deva - Lead angelic voiceNarration - Dave McEwenFellation - Madame Slam fromMadame Slam's Bedtime storiesAdditional guitar by Martin FoulOver produced by Doug Cook and Cradle Of FilthMixed by Rob Caggiano (for Scrap 60)and Cradle Of FilthMix Engineered by Doug Cook and Steve ReginaEngineered by Doug Cook - Assisted by Dan TurnerRecorded at Parkgate Studios, Battle, withadditional work undertaken at New Rising Studios,Peldon, late Summer and Autumn 2002Orchestral passages arranged and mixed by Daniel PresleyPerformed by The Budapest Film Orchestra and Budapest Film Choir - Conducted By Lazslo ZadoriMastered by Ray Staff at Sony Studios,Whitfield Street, LondonIllustration & design by John CoulthartAlbum photography by Stu WilliamsonModels supplied by Sugar Babes/Samantha BondBitter Suits by Loz/J DesignManagement - Fay WoolvenInPhase ManagementPO Box 756A, Surbiton KT6 6YZ, UKLivebait booking agent -Paul Bolton, Helter SkelterLegal Representative - Tim Northrop at SearlesAll tracks shitten by Cradle Of Filth 2002